Open Ended Play

Parents and summer have a love/hate relationship. Kids spend more time at home and the weather is warmer. That said, typical routines and schedules go out the window. While it may be tempting to register our children for summer camps, classes, sports, play dates, and more, it is very important to remember that our little ones need open-ended play with friends and free time just as much as structured activities. Not only does it benefit their mental health by reducing stress and anxiety, it also encourages creativity, problem solving, and other skills vital to their development.

Other benefits to free time and open-ended play include:

  • Emotional regulation. Unstructured play helps children process difficult emotions while still allowing them to act like a child.
  • Reducing burnout. It takes a lot of mental energy for children to stick to structured routines during the school year. It’s important to allow them time for themselves, similar to how adults approach self-care.
  • Improves sleep and boosts immunity. Warmer weather often means more time outdoors, which uses a lot of physical energy in kids. Physical exercise has also been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, which boosts immunity, in addition to improving sleep!

Contact our office and our therapists can help identify strategies that work best for your family during summer break.