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Ways to Practice Fine Motor Skills During Summer Break

The first official day of summer has finally arrived! Since school is out, your kids’ days look a little different–more time outside, less structure, and open-ended play. While necessary to your child’s development, it’s also important to practice handwriting and fine motor tasks during summer break to avoid setbacks once school starts again. Handwriting ideas: […]

Why Open-Ended Play Matters

Parents and summer have a love/hate relationship. Kids spend more time at home and the weather is warmer. That said, typical routines and schedules go out the window. While it may be tempting to register our children for summer camps, classes, sports, play dates, and more, it is very important to remember that our little […]

Benefits of Playing in the Rain

April showers bring May flowers! Not only is this rainy time of year good for the earth, it brings many benefits for our children’s development. Playing outside in the rain can positively impact your child as they grow in a variety of ways, including: Physically. When a child plays outside, they rely on their gross […]

Tips for Healthy Sleep

Did you know that poor sleep in kids is linked to social, developmental, and behavior difficulties, irritability, academic challenges, and learning difficulties. Here are a few important things to do to help your kiddo get a restful night’s sleep: Set a routine. Start winding down about an hour before bed. Avoid any high energy activities. […]

Ways to Show Kids Why Loving Themselves Matters

Love is in the air! February is a great time to teach your kids why loving themselves matters. This means caring for their physical, mental, and emotional health, being kind to themselves, and appreciating/respecting who they are as a person. In doing so, you can help your child increase their resilience, decrease stress, promote positive […]