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Tips to Survive Back to School

Summer is almost over, which means it is time to start thinking about going back to school. The idea of getting back into a normal routine can be overwhelming for many families as summer can often feel like a free-for-all. Here are some tips to help ease the transition: 1. Practice a morning routine the […]

Backpack Safety

Wow, families, can you believe that we only have a couple more weeks of summer left? With the closing of summer, comes the start of school. Some of our students may have already started their school year while some students are anxiously awaiting their approaching start. Whether you are excited, nervous or everything in between […]

I Want to Ride my Bicycle, Bicycle, Bicycle

Think back to the carefree times when you were a kid. You would jump on your bike, cool summer breeze on your face, racing all the neighborhood kids, maybe even getting a little daring, and trying to make your front wheel pop off the ground. Now think about your little ones jumping on their bikes, […]

Keeping the Fun in the Summer Sun

Kids Place Therapy Services wants to remind families that June is Summer Safety Month! The weather is warming up, the sun is shining bright, our kids are out of school for the summer, and our families will be enjoying many outdoor adventures. The sun fuels tons of outdoor activities but can also pose a major […]

Building Happiness

Just be happy! A common phrase we hear frequently. We know we feel better when we are happy, but why is this so? The answer lies in brain chemistry. When we process positive emotions our brain releases the “feel good” neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals improve our ability to organize and recall information, and […]