Kids Place Therapy Services promotes the healthy development of the “whole child” through a multi-faceted approach. Together, with family members and other medical, as well as educational professionals, we empower the child to engage in daily routines.
Our team of skilled physical, occupational, and speech therapists focus on the unique needs of each individual and work to provide each child with the strongest foundation for success. We believe in building the child’s self-confidence and achieving therapy goals through play.
Kam Wyruchowski, MOT, OTR/L
Our Therapy Team
Our therapy team specializes in numerous therapy techniques including infant massage, DIR/Floortime method, SOS approach (Sequential Oral Sensory) to feeding, Handwriting Without Tears, Wilbarger “brushing program,” Therapeutic Listening, and many others. Many of our therapists are also trained in pediatric kinesiology taping, Instrument assist soft tissue mobilization (IASTM), interventions for kids with ADHD and self-regulation challenges, strategies to improve executive functioning and primitive reflex integration.