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Tips for Supporting Your Child on Halloween

Halloween is filled with so much rich sensory input. It’s a holiday where we break social norms and teach our children to go up to scary houses and take candy from strangers while dressed in strange costumes. It’s no wonder some of our children are mystified by the holiday. Most importantly, though, the point of […]

Play is a “child’s job of living”

Play is more than just fun – it’s a powerful teaching tool that helps children learn essential skills for human development. Here are a few Summer Time fun activities that promote fine motor, coordination and visual motor skills: Fine motor skills: squirt gun, sidewalk chalk, jacks, marbles, using shovels to dig in dirt or sand, planting […]

Welcome to Kids Place Therapy Services Blog!

Kids Place Therapy Services (KPTS) provides skilled occupational and developmental therapy in a safe, welcoming environment for children and families. At KPTS we provide treatment for children with a wide variety of diagnoses including autism, sensory processing disorder and developmental delays. We are committed to providing comprehensive, multi-disciplinary care in a child-centered environment where children can […]