Happy November from you friendly therapists and staff at Kids Place Therapy Services! Although we may be shivering in these colder temperatures, the KPTS family is excited for the season of giving. November is a wonderful time to give thanks for your family and friends as well as to take advantage of these last few weeks of fall. Scavenger hunts and walks outside can be a great way to incorporate language and movement into your kiddo’s routine; there are so many colorful leaves, acorns, and pinecones to collect before winter arrives. These leaves, acorns, and pinecones can be utilized in art projects, described using rich language, put into fall themed sensory bins, and incorporated into books and stories. Some great fall and Thanksgiving stories you might want to check out during your next library visit include: How to Catch a Turkey, Llama Llama Gives Thanks, There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Turkey, Turkey Trouble, and ‘Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving.  Get reading, have fun, and stay warm!